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Types of Oman Visas

Oman is renowned for its abundant history, breathtaking natural scenery, and varied terrain. The advanced infrastructure and vibrant cultural scene of Oman contribute to its appeal as a prime destination for tourists. The country's rich heritage and promising business prospects entice individuals, entrepreneurs, and investors to establish themselves here. Obtaining a visa simplifies the process of residing and working in Oman, making it an attractive option for many.

This article includes all the details about the types of Oman visas and their categories. 

Visa Types in Oman

There are different visas for different activities. Let's talk about the 4 main types of Oman visas-

A) Resident-Sponsored Visa:

A sponsored visa enables a person to reside in Oman with the support of a resident or a local organization. The sponsor can be a family member, employer, or any other qualified entity that agrees to assume responsibility for the individual while they are in the country.

There are various categories and types of resident-sponsored visas. Let's discuss them –

i) Visa Types in Oman for Work Purposes –

a) Employment Visa:

An employment visa enables individuals from other countries to reside and work in Oman under the sponsorship of an Omani employer or company. Upon obtaining the visa, individuals are authorized to work in Oman for a designated duration. The employer assumes responsibility for their well-being throughout their stay in the country.

b) Employment Visa with Endorsee:

An employment visa with an endorsee is a visa category provided by Oman to sponsor a worker along with their dependent, known as an endorsee. The endorsee can be a spouse or a child who relies on the worker. This particular visa is also referred to as the 2A- Employment Companion Visa.

c) Housemaid Visa:

Version 1: The housemaid visa in Oman falls under the category of registered sponsored visas, enabling non-citizens with a sponsor in Oman, whether it be an employer, family member, or partner, to legally work as domestic help within the country.

d) Investor Visa:

There exist two categories of visas for investors in Oman, which are determined by the level of investment and its duration.

Investor Residency Program – It offers two tiers of residency permits – 5 years and 10 years. 

E-2 Visa – This visa is available for citizens of Oman who have signed a treaty with the USA. This visa allows the investor to move to the US to establish and manage a business.

For an investor visa, the holder must get approval from The Ministry of Commerce and Industry. 

e) Short Work Visa:

Foreigners who intend to work temporarily in Oman can apply for this particular visa. The approval of this visa is solely dependent on the employer's request and responsibility. It is mandatory for the employer to ensure that the necessary visas and permits issued by The Ministry of Manpower are obtained by the foreign workers.

ii) Visa Types in Oman for Family Purposes – 

a) Family Joining Visa:

The family reunion visa is issued to the spouse and children under 21 years old of an expatriate worker. It is also provided to the foreign wife of an Omani national upon his request, supported by a Ministry of Interior certificate confirming their marriage. This visa allows multiple entries and remains valid for a period of two years.

b) Relative Joining Visa:

This particular visa enables foreign residents in Oman to sponsor their relatives to come and live with them. Various types of relative joining visas are available, depending on the relationship and nationality of both the applicant and sponsor.

c) Citizen’s Wife Visa:

This visa, known as the family joining visa, falls under the various types of visas available in Oman. It is specifically granted to the wife of a foreign resident in Oman, as well as to children who are under the age of 21.

d) Property Owner Joiner’s Visa:

This particular visa is designed for resident sponsorship, enabling foreigners who possess property in Oman to sponsor their spouse and children to relocate to Oman. The sponsor must be either a citizen or a legal resident of Oman.

iii) Visa Types in Oman for Study Purposes –

a) Student Visa:

A student visa permits individuals to pursue studies in Oman for a maximum duration of two years, requiring sponsorship from a sponsor possessing a valid resident permit in the country, who may be a family member, a friend, or an educational organization.

b) Resident-Unsponsored Visa:

An unsponsored resident visa in Oman enables individuals to reside in the country for an extended period without requiring a sponsor. Eligibility for this visa is based on meeting specific criteria such as retirement status, property ownership, or holding a valid GCC residence permit.

The type of Oman visas under resident–unsponsored visa is –

c) Property Owner Visa:

This visa grants foreign homeowners in an authorized tourist complex the opportunity to reside in Oman.

d) Visit-Sponsored Visa:

A visit-sponsored visa is a visa category that grants foreigners permission to travel to Oman for personal, tourism, or employment reasons. However, in order to obtain this visa, they must secure sponsorship from an Omani organization or individual.

There are various Oman visa categories and sub-categories under visit-sponsored visa. They're listed below –

i) Oman Visa for Business Purposes – 

a) Business Visit Visa: A business visit visa permits foreign individuals to travel to Oman for business-related activities, such as finalizing company registration in the country. This visa is obtained through the sponsorship of a local entity in Oman, which is responsible for submitting the visa application. The sponsor may be a corporation, a group, or a person.

ii) Types of Oman Visas for Tourism Purposes –

a) Tourist Visa: Various categories of tourist visas are available for Oman, based on the reason and length of the stay. Tourist visas cater to individuals looking to explore Oman for leisure or relaxation. These visas are issued for brief durations to partake in tourism-related activities, such as sightseeing.

b) Crew Visa: A crew visa is necessary for those who are in transit or carrying out their responsibilities in a foreign nation. These individuals are part of the staff of an international airline or shipping firm, which may consist of pilots, flight attendants, or maritime crew. The crew visa is intended to permit them to enter the country for the period of their job-related tasks, like piloting flights or overseeing maritime operations.

iii) Oman Visas for Work Purposes –

a) Official Visit Visa: This particular type of Oman visa is intended for individuals who are visiting the country for official or diplomatic reasons. It is specifically designed for governmental officials, diplomats, and individuals who are representing their respective countries on official business.

b) Express Visa: Oman grants these visas to individuals working in specific professions, whether sponsored by a foreign embassy, a local sponsor, or without any charges.

c) Multi-Entry Visa: Oman grants this visa to a professional or business individual in a specific field, endorsed by either a local sponsor or a foreign embassy.

d) Contract Visit Visa: The nation grants a contractor visa to an individual seeking to undergo professional medical examinations with an Omani government entity prior to being employed by a domestic sponsor.

e) Band Visa: This visa is issued to musicians, band members, or performers who are traveling to the location for events, concerts, or other cultural activities.

f) Festivals Visa: Oman grants a festival visa to individuals who wish to participate in a festival or exhibition. However, it is important to note that the festival must first obtain approval from the Ministry of Commerce and Industry in Oman.

iv) Types of Oman Visa for Family Purposes –

a) Family Visa: The family visa enables individuals to travel to Oman to visit their family members who are citizens of the country. This visa is intended to facilitate family reunification and provide an opportunity for family members to bond and spend quality time together.

v) Oman Visa for Research Purpose –

a) Scientific Visa: Oman offers a scientific research visa for individuals who wish to conduct approved scientific research in the country. Applicants must secure the sponsorship of a local authority to proceed with their research activities.

vi) Oman Visa for Transit Purpose –

a) Sailor’s Transit Visa: This visa is for individuals working on ships or vessels who need to transit through a country. 

vii) Types of Oman Visas for Emergency Purposes –

a) Emergency Visa: This visa is granted in cases where there is an immediate requirement for travel due to unpredictable circumstances. For example, medical emergencies, family crises, and so on.

D) Visit-Unsponsored Visa:

These visas cater to individuals from overseas who lack a sponsor in Oman but meet the criteria to apply online or upon arrival. They are applicable for tourism, business travel, or transit purposes within the country. To be eligible for this visa, one must possess a valid passport, a digital photo, and a valid email address.

There are certain types of Oman visas under this head, and they are as follows –

i) Oman Visa for Business Purposes –

a) Multi-entry Visit Visa: A multi-entry visit visa grants the individual the freedom to enter and leave the country multiple times during a designated timeframe. Unlike other visas, this type of visa is not dependent on a particular sponsor. Consequently, it provides the visa holder with enhanced flexibility when arranging their travel itinerary.

ii) Oman Visa for Tourist Purposes –

a) Oman/Qatar Common Visa: Oman and Qatar have a joint tourist visa agreement that allows citizens of 33 countries to visit both countries for up to 30 days with a single visa. This is the Oman/Qatar common visa.

b) Dubai/Oman Common Visa: The joint visa between Dubai and Oman enables eligible passport holders to enter Oman for a duration of 21 days without incurring any charges, provided they possess a valid tourist visa for Dubai. This particular visa is commonly referred to as the Dubai/Oman common visa.

c) GCC Citizen Companion Visa: Oman grants a GCC Citizen Companion visa to an individual residing in the UAE, Qatar, or Bahrain, which must be accompanied by a GCC Citizen.

d) GCC Resident Visa: A resident visa in the GCC is specifically designed for citizens of the GCC nations who are employed in approved professions.

iii) Types of Oman Visa for Housing Purposes –

a) Off-the-Plan Owner Visa: The housing unit in an approved tourist area in Oman is issued to a foreign off-the-plan buyer by Oman.

iv) Oman Visa for Transit Purpose

a) Airport Transit Visa: Oman grants this visa to passengers who are in transit through Oman while traveling to another country.

b) Land Border Transit Visa: Tourists can enter Oman by land for a specific duration with this visa, without requiring sponsorship from a local host or company.

v) Oman Visa for Emergency Purpose –

a) Patient Visa: This visa permits an individual from another country to enter Oman for the purpose of receiving medical treatment.


Oman boasts stunning landscapes and a rich cultural heritage, making it a popular destination for tourists. The country also appeals to business-minded individuals and investors worldwide, thanks to its promising economic prospects. Depending on their specific purposes, these individuals must obtain different types of visas for Oman, each with its own set of qualifications, application procedures, and prerequisites.

To understand them, a consultancy firm like Innovative Digital is a huge asset for any type of visa services in Oman. Innovative Digital offers all kinds of professional guidance. 

Want to book a free consultation? Book an appointment now.


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